The establishment of CPU, initiated by dedicated high-level ICT professionals, dates back to 1992 G.c, when computer technology was relatively new to the business and service communities of the country. The joint efforts and optimism of these professionals, who were inspired to fill the gap, set up CPU Computer Training Center to provide computer training and consultancy services. During the last 32 years of its existence, the center has trained more than 23,000 trainees drawn from over 350 public and private institutions.

Taking professional pride in its own share of responsibility for the current relatively wider use of Computer Technology in the country, CPU is now running two major programs. One is short term Basic and Advanced computer trainings offered at the Center by incorporating up to date concepts in the fast growing IT and computer technology. The other is Degree and TVET programs based on studies on scarcity of higher and middle-level human power in the labor market and the government’s great attention given to the problem. Having met the necessary requirements for quality education, CPU Business and Information Technology College has come operational since 2001.

During the concluded year, CPU has registered remarkable achievements and arrived at plenty of its milestones. CPU College will continue its effort for quality of education including the following programs currently on offer:

Masters Program:

  • Masters of Business Administration
  • Software Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Leadership

Degree Program:

  • Computer Science
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Business Management
  • Marketing Management

TVET Program/ Level 1- 4/

  • Diploma / Level 1-4 In Hardware And Networking Service
  • Diploma /Level 1- 4 Web Development And Database Administration
  • Diploma /Level 1- 4 In Accounting And Finance
  • Diploma /Level 1- 4 In Marketing & Sales Management
  • Diploma /Level 1- 4 In Human Resource Management
  • Short term training in Basic Computer & Advanced/ professional training


Our impressive customer base and higher customer satisfaction ratings are a result of our total commitment to quality and value. Our commitment and responsibility in providing quality computer services to support the country’s technological drive can be clearly seen in our successes:

  • Provision of Basic computer training for more than 23,000 trainees
  • Conducted Advanced (Professional Level) training for more than 6,000 trainees
  • Graduation of more than 17,000 from Masters to Diploma level